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Hello? Is this thing on?

2009-06-11 - 4:57 p.m.

Hey, it's been a while. How's everyone doing? I'm kicking around the idea of updating again. Shouldn't be too much pressure there since I believe nobody visits anymore. :-)

I wonder if anyone updates at all anymore here. I guess with the advent of Twitter and Facebook, this is a little "old school", huh. I just checked out my profile, and I gotta say that there are names on there that I don't even remember. Senility is grand.

Just thought I'd poke around online a bit. I have the house to myself right now, and I'm desperately trying to put off folding a load of laundry. Kurty's at the dentist, but should be home shortly. I could probably whip up some dinner, and he'd be a happy guy when he strolled in. Actually, dinner's going to be yummy. We had Kurt's sister in-law and niece here for the past couple days, and we did "fundue" last night with steak and lobster. Have lots leftover, and it doesn't keep long, so I guess we're doing surf & turf tonight. Lucky us. Eat, drink, and be merry; for tomorrow we diet.

Hasta my lack of peeps!

Looking back...

The Fun Never Ends - 2024-01-23
Good Times. - 2024-01-19
Fuck This - 2024-01-18
Fuck This. - 2023-08-08
Hello? Is this thing on? - 2009-06-11

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