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Fuck This

2024-01-18 - 7:09 a.m.

Here's a thought... Maybe instead of trying to connect my phone to Alexa to "help" me, just fucking be nicer to me. Why do you need to shit on things I enjoy to make yourself feel better?

Why can't you support me in my desire to retire? I did fucking nothing but support you when you had to stop working because of your fucked up joints. I feel like you want me to work forever so your life doesn't have to change at all. True, when I'm retired, you may not be able to golf every week. We may not be able to eat out whenever the mood strikes, and we may not be able to travel the globe. I gotta say, if I have to work the rest of my life, then I'd rather live alone while I do it.

I am fucking ALL IN when we're a team, but when I feel like it's you against me, like I do right now, I'm out. If you're so goddamned worried about how much money we have, get a fucking part-time job. I'm sure there's something you can do while on SSDI and not get penalized for it.

And stop pretending you're off social media. You argue with more fucking Republicans every day than Jordan Klepper and Walter Masterson combined.

Looking back...

The Fun Never Ends - 2024-01-23
Good Times. - 2024-01-19
Fuck This - 2024-01-18
Fuck This. - 2023-08-08
Hello? Is this thing on? - 2009-06-11

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