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Good Times.

2024-01-19 - 12:08 p.m.

Not that I'd ever actually share this with him, because I honestly believe it would do nothing to help, but... I honestly believe that our marriage would be markedly better if he would do the following:

Only smoke pot on cleaning day and before bed
Never drink enough for us to fight
Related note: The only really horrible terrible fights we've had were all (I believe) fueled by booze
Stop joking about me working forever and never retiring

Not sure how to word this one, but he does this thing now where if he does something that upsets me, and I make a comment about it, he somehow turns it around so that I'm the guilty party for saying anything. Like a few weeks ago, we were watching tv, and I had a horrible sinus headache and was watching with a blank mostly covering my eyes. It hurt to have air hit my eyes. Anyway, when the episode we were watching ended, he shut it off, and I asked why. He said (kinda snotty like) "You're not even watching." I shot back (slightly more snotty like than him) "I was watching every second; I can't help it if you can't see my eyes - you could have fucking asked." He doesn't know this, but that interaction led to me watching the next episode while silently bawling my eyes out, which really just made me madder because that made my head hurt more. When that one was done, I went into the bedroom. I know more words were said, but I can't remember what we said to each other. After a while of being in the bedroom, his tv in the living room kept getting louder, so I gathered my shit, walked to the guest bedroom, where you can't really hear anything from the living room, and on my way, I said that he was unbelievably fucking rude with the tv knowing I had a splitting headache. I also called him an asshole and told him that I hated him. He then asked if I wanted a divorce to which I replied, "Kinda!". That was between Christmas and New Years, and things still aren't right between us.

THEN... The other day, he came into the bedroom to tell me something, and before he left, it looked like he had something else to say, so I asked, "Is that all you came in to say?". He said "yes", then left. Then later he was all snippy and shit, so not sure what's going on there. I started to ask, but then... Fuck that. He's a goddamn grown up. If I've done something to upset him, he should fucking tell me.

Looking back...

The Fun Never Ends - 2024-01-23
Good Times. - 2024-01-19
Fuck This - 2024-01-18
Fuck This. - 2023-08-08
Hello? Is this thing on? - 2009-06-11

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